A provincial election will be held in British Columbia on May 12, 2009. Arthritis Consumer Experts believes that arthritis, a disease affecting more adults than cancer, heart disease and spinal cord trauma, should be an issue of great importance to candidates running for office.
Today we are asking people with arthritis to write to the candidates running for election in their riding to make sure that all candidates understand the tremendous impact of our disease.
Please take the time to download the election info pack provided below. Inside the election info pack, you will find a sample letter to your candidates, which you can use as-is, or modify to express your own personal views about arthritis. Also included: a backgrounder on arthritis in BC and links to contact information for candidates. For your information, we have also included a copy of the letter ACE has sent to each candidate, and a copy of the questionnaire we have sent to the central campaign office for each party.
We encourage you to take the time to print out an election info pack and send it to all of the candidates in your riding. The voice of arthritis must be heard and this is a tremendous opportunity for people with arthritis—more than 600,000 British Columbians—to speak out.
Election Info Pack
ACE letter sent to each candidate
Letter sent with questionnaire to BC Liberal Party
BC Liberal Party response to questionnaire
Letter sent with questionnaire to BC NDP
BC NDP response to questionnaire
Questions for voters to ask candidates
Template letter from voters to candidates
Arthritis Backgrounder