Quebec 2018 provincial election

Responses from the Electoral Candidates
Responses are arranged according to the date we received them. The first response received in each party appears at the top of that section.

Responses are published in the language we receive them.

Parti Québécois individual candidate responses

Yann Benoist – Parti Québécois de Bourget

Date: September 15, 2018, 11:13am EDT
Subject: Re: Arthritis Consumer Experts Survey for QC Election 2018 – Arthritis in Quebec
From: Yann Benoist


Au nom du candidat du Parti Québécois dans la circonscription de Bourget, M. Maka Kotto, j’accuse réception de votre courriel du 11 septembre 2018.

Soyez assuré que votre correspondance sera portée à l’attention de M. Kotto dans les meilleurs délais.

Très cordialement,
Yann Benoist
Parti Québécois de Bourget