Manitoba 2019 provincial election

Responses from the Electoral Candidates
Responses are arranged according to the date we received them. The first response received in each party appears at the top of that section.

Manitoba Liberal Party individual candidate responses

Eddie Calisto-Tavares – candidate for St. Johns
Lorena Mitchell – candidate for La Vérendrye
Cyndy Friesen – candidate for Fort Rouge

Date: August 22, 2019, 3:19pm
Subject: Re: Arthritis Consumer Experts Survey - Share your plan for arthritis prevention, treatment and care in Manitoba
From: Eddie Calisto-Tavares


Thank you for reaching out! I have forwarded your survey to our central communications person!

Sent by IPhone by Eddie Calisto -Tavares, MLA Candidate for St Johns
Vote for Eddie Calisto-TAVARES
September 10

Date: August 23, 2019, 7:30am
Subject: Re: Arthritis Consumer Experts Survey - Share your plan for arthritis prevention, treatment and care in Manitoba
From: Lorena Mitchell


Hello Cheryl I did try to call you but got your answering machine. I have Psoriatic arthritis and know first hand how devastating this can be. I will be forwarding your email to our head office that will answer your survey directly.

Best Regards,

Lorena Mitchell

Liberal Candidate

Date: August 24, 2019, 8:49am
Subject: Re: Arthritis Consumer Experts Survey - Share your plan for arthritis prevention, treatment and care in Manitoba
From: Cyndy Friesen


Hello Cheryl,

Thank you for your email regarding concerns surrounding this important topic that affects many Manitobans. I have forwarded your survey onto my Liberal campaign team and you should expect to receive a response from them shortly.

Cyndy Friesen
Sent from my iPhone